Saturday, August 27, 2016

Here we go again (thankfully), yep, another one of those "God Shots" as I call them. You see there really is more to a photographer's ammunition of training that goes far beyond our knowledge of our equipment and software and that's the "unseen." For me the "unseen" is my faith in Jesus Christ, yeah, it really is that plain and simple. Starting off each photo session in a time of prayer and Bible Study, well, it really does make quite a big difference in my shots. The shot here with the soon-to-be-bride....well, there's no way I stirred up the wind to blow her hair and dress out creating such a beautiful touch. On the other shot, the sunset sky was painted with soft hues of purples and way did I have anything to do with that. It's just the simplicity of answers prayers and "God shots."

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